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Welcome to SuperPlants

Welcome to SuperPlants

We are so excited to be back!

Ever since Michael was diagnosed with cancer at age 24 and Kristel started experimenting with using food as medicine, it has been our mission to improve people’s health with the power of super plants!

We believe that eating plants improves your health. If you feel healthy, you have the energy to do what you want, feel good in your own body, look better, have the confidence to do anything, be the best friend you can be, and most importantly be the best version of yourself for yourself and your family. Live your life to the fullest!

So then to answer the big question all of you asked us… what is SuperPlants?

Using ancient wisdom and modern science we create powerful supplements and detox programs that have specific health benefits - to support YOU along your individual health journey!

Everything will be USDA organic, no fillers, sweeteners like stevia, gums or synthetics will be added, 100% plants and sourced transparently.

The first products will be launching this summer - and yes some of superfood mixes will be coming BUT also something completely NEW. More will be revealed in the next emails!

Watch here a 10 minute video where we talk about SuperPlants, what is happening behind the scenes and more…

Keep sharing all your questions with us - either on IG @eatsuperplants or simply by replying to this email - we love hearing from you!

Eat Plants. Feel Alive!

Xo Kristel & Michael